Shared Lounge
The Shared Lounge can be booked by Residents for a function, dinner party or social event from 5pm only. This means, even when the Boardroom is booked, all residents will still be allowed to use the Shared Lounge during the day.
Please use our calendar system here to schedule a time to confirm your booking.
The only cost associated to this booking is a cleaning charge that will be emailed to you by your Property Manager. If you want to work from the Shared Lounge or watch a movie during the day, no booking is required. Please leave the room as you found it, clean and tidy. All dishes must be cleaned away and put in the dishwasher.
The Boardroom in the Shared Lounge is free for The Ed residents to use between 8am-5pm. If you wish to use this space for a function or dinner party, you must make a booking here.
Feel free to use the water glasses, jug, coffee cups, kettle and fridge provided. Please make sure all dishes are put in the dishwasher after your meeting and leave the boardroom clean and tidy. You will find dishwasher tablets and other cleaning products under the kitchen sink.
There is a HDMI cable that is connected to the wall mounted TV. This can be used to connect to your Hp laptop. If you have a Mac laptop, there is an Apple adapter you can use to install on the HDMI cable. Connecting to Wifi – If you are a Freedom customer, go to your Wifi settings, select FreedomShared@Edwin and enter your personal Freedom password, easy!
Important Documents
Team & Contacts

Tanya Maher
Property Manager
Our Property Manager Tanya will be your first point of contact in helping you find the most suitable apartment for your needs.
After you decide to make The Ed your new home, Tanya will be providing all in-house management of residents to ensure their stay is as comfortable as possible for the duration of their lease.
Whether you have a building related query or need help with one of our many amenities and services provided, Tanya will be there to help.

Management Team
(From left to right) Emma Macmillan, Tanya Maher, Chris Bufton.
Our management team at Resident Properties is dedicated to providing access to the lifestyle you want, free from the commitment you don’t, from a developer with an unrivalled reputation and long-term commitment to the district it calls home.
Our aim is to deliver a simple sign-up process, a hassle-free move-in, offering flexible tenancies with no hidden fees and forever working behind the scenes to make sure we are providing the best service for our residents.
Tanya Maher
020 4070 6155
Emma Macmillan
021 293 5517
Chris Bufton
021 026 34776

Building Managers
GregMore Group
Our Building Management team is there to ensure the smooth running of the entire building on behalf of the Building Owners Resident Properties.
Our dedicated team will facilitate everything from moving into your apartment to ensuring any comfort or repairs and maintenance related faults such as the items below are fixed without inconvenience to our residents.
• Electrical work
• Fire Protection
• General Repairs and Maintenance
• Glazing
• Air Conditioning (HVAC)
• Lifts
• Lock repairs
• Plumbing
You can contact them directly at any time, or simply log an issue on the Re-leased Tenant app.